Monday, November 30, 2015

読書の練習 - Reading Practice

In class the otherday, we practiced reading by going through a few children's books and graded readers. I've read all of the level 0 and level 1 graded readers for japanese, so I've noticed a few recurring characters. I'm going to talk about りょうさん.

りょうさんはおまわりです。りょうさんはとてもやさしくて、つよくて、りっぱな人です。女(women)と男(men)と子供(children),りょうさんはたくさんの人をたすけます(helps)。ワニ(alligator)をたたかて(fought)、 どろぼサンタクロース(thieving santa)をたいほして(arrested)、ねこをきゅうしゅつしました(rescued)。りょうさんはほんとにいちばんおまわりですよ!

Picture of the Day
Bento Goals