Sunday, January 18, 2015

こんにちは - My first hello!

Hello everyone!

I'm very excited to finally start learning Japanese in a formal setting! I'll admit that I'm one of the Japanese students that became interested in the culture through anime and manga. I've watched various shows with English subtitles for years, so there are random words and phrases that I know, but overall I have no command of the language and I wanted to change that. However, I do want to say that I'm not just in this class so I can watch the "raw" episodes of whatever hit show is up and coming on the internet. I actually would love to learn more about Japanese culture. I feel like there's an entire world I'm missing out on that Japanese pop culture (or what Americans see of it) doesn't convey properly.

Ultimately, my reason for being is this course is just for the joy of learning a new language and culture. This class is the only class I am enrolled in that I don't have to take to graduate. I've fulfilled my language credit with Spanish, and I decided that this would be my "just 'cuz" course. I.e. some people might ask me, "Why are you taking Japanese?" And my answer would be "just 'cuz." It's been a long time since I took a course just for the experience of gaining knowledge. In some ways, being required to take a course sucks the fun out of learning the material. So for me, Japanese is my reprieve. It's something I'm doing just for the sake of doing it. Something I'm learning just for the sake of learning. And for that reason alone, I am beyond excited for this course. I only hope I can get my pronunciations right! Hehe.

Until next time!

Comic of the Week:


  1. That was a very funny comic! I am also taking this class just for fun (not need it for graduate), and so far I have enjoyed the class very much.

  2. I've got to agree: I think a lot of people can relate to that comic.

    Unrelated, you're doing a great job of trying to connect with everyone. You've got my vote for 生徒会長.

  3. I am also still relying on subtitles.... I can only catch few words like すみません...

  4. I appreciate that I'm not the only person in the class who is willing to admit that the main draw to the class is my interest in anime and manga. I have other reasons too, but that's definitely what propelled me to want to learn the language in the first place. But hey, who cares about the reasons so long as we're willing to learn, right?

  5. Oh wow~ I'm so impressed by the fact that you made your own comic for your post! Thank you for sharing it with us; I laughed so much when I read it! xD
    And I completely agree about wanting to view manga and anime before someone else translates for me. It's such a pain waiting for the translations, and it'll be so much more satisfying once we're able to understand the true meaning of all of the Japanese that's going on haha

    Infinite Walsh love~
